
This service has been brought back thanks to WiiLink!

WiiRoom Table

Wii no Ma (localized as WiiRoom) was a Japan-exclusive Channel made by Nintendo and Dentsu that had a variety of things to offer. You could buy thousands of different things on it. There was Mii merchandise you could buy on it as well. Some of the merchandise it had were stamps, keychains, towels, bags, and stickers. RiiConnect24 wants to recreate the merchandise in the future so you can buy your own Mii merchandise. Wii no Ma also had a video-on-demand service which you could buy movies and TV shows on. It also had some original programming like "Pokémon Cooking". There also was a downloadable app for the DSi that let you transfer things like coupons to it. Wii no Ma lasted for 3 years and ended in 2012.