Wii U Priiloader

To continue using the Forecast Channel on Wii U, you need to install Priiloader, which now works on the Wii U. By doing that, you will receive several improvements on using RiiConnect24 on Wii U, and mail will work. Here are the instructions on how to do that.

  1. Download the Priiloader .zip file from here.
  2. Unzip the Priiloader .zip file and copy the apps folder to your SD Card or USB Drive.
  3. Download the LoadPriiloader.zip from here.
  4. Unzip the LoadPriiloader .zip file and copy the apps folder to your SD Card or USB Drive.
  5. Download the Mail Patcher from here.
  6. Grab a WAD of the Forecast Channel. (Europe/Japan/USA)
  7. Visit here to generate a Priiloader patch that will fix a timestamp issue.
  8. Follow the instructions on the page then copy the result.
  9. On your SD Card or USB Drive, traverse to apps/priiloader and open hacks_hash.ini
  10. Paste the patch from step 7 at the bottom of the hacks_hash.ini and save it.
  11. Open the Homebrew Channel then launch Priiloader.
  12. Follow the installation steps.
  13. Open the Homebrew Channel then launch Load Priiloader.
  14. Using your Wii Remote, go to System Menu Hacks.
  15. Enable Fix NWC24iSetUniversalTime, Always enable WiiConnect24 for vWii, and Create message via Calendar button (vWii). Feel free to enable others.
  16. Scroll down to save settings and press A, then press B to go back to the main menu of Priiloader.
  17. Return to the system menu.
  18. Open the Homebrew Channel then launch Mail Patcher.
  19. Use your favorite WAD manager to uninstall the Forecast Channel WAD then install it.
  20. You can now delete ConnectMii if you want to, as it's not necessary anymore.